Dashboard Data Deletion

Description: This report/process purges the data from all the Dashboard fact tables for parameters start date and end date.

The data deleted from the dashboard’s facts are not going to affect the data of the EBS base tables when the ‘Dashboard Data Deletion’ program runs each time.

Run Schedule: Recommended to run when purging is needed.

Authorization:  SplashBI Administrator.

To run Dashboard Data Deletion:

  1. Navigate to Reports 🡪 All Reports.
  2. Search for Payables Data Deletion in all reports tab.
  3. Click on Run icon to navigate to Submit page.

Note: Similarly Please run Data Deletion reports for other module dashboards.

Data Deletion Report Parameters

Provide Start Date and End Date parameter values which deletes the data for the given parameter values and click on Submit button to run the report. On completion of the report, it purges the data for the given range.