System Variables
SplashBI replaces the below system variables with values as mentioned below.
- $USER_NAME: Replaced with logged-in username.
- $USER_ID: Replaced with logged-in user-id.
- $PROCESS_ID: Replaced with the presently submitted process Id.
- $CLIENT_ID: Replaced with SplashBI client id.
- $GROUP_NAME: Replaced with the group name used in that report.
- $GROUP_ID: Replaced with the group id used in that report.
- $BUSINESS_AREA_NAME: Replaced with the business area name used in that report.
- $BUSINESS_AREA_ID: Replaced with the business area id used in that report.
- $SYSTEM: PS_OPRID: Replaced with People Soft User Id.
- $LOCALE_CODE: Replaced with SplashBI logged-in language code.
- $CHART_ID: Replaced with the chart id.
- $DASHBOARD_ID: Replaced with the dashboard id.
- $CLOUD_APPLICATION_URL: Replaced with the BI publisher Instance URL from the cloud connector.
- $SYSTEM: CLOUD_USER_ID: Replaced with Cloud user Id.
- $SYSTEM: CLOUD_USER_NAME: Replaced with Cloud Username.
- $OCA_USER_ID: Replaced with OCA user Id.
- $OCA_USER_NAME: Replaced with the OCA username.
- $WFA_PERSON_ID: Replaced with WFA Person Id.
- $REPORT_ID: Replaced with the current report id.
- $REPORT_NAME: Replaced with the recent report name.
- $CRM_USER_NAME: Replaced with the CRM username.
- $CRM_USER_ID: Replaced with the CRM user id.
- $CONNECTOR_TYPE: Replaced with the connector type present in that report connection.
- $EBS_RESPONSIBILITY_NAME: Replaced with the responsibility name used in submitting that process.
- $OC_RUN_TYPE: Replaced with the OC run type displayed on the current report page.
- $EBS_ORIGINAL_USER_NAME: Replaced with the EBS username used in submitting that process.